Powerfull Cutover Orchestration

Reading Time: 2 minutes

During every cutover (rehearsal), a lot of activities have to be performed by many stakeholders. A transparent and efficient orchestration of all activities is essential for a smooth transition. 9TEAMS scenarios are being used used as a powerful concept to prepare, document, initiate and track cutover activities.

9TEAMS scenarios are typically used for

  • Integration and user acceptance testing
  • Preparing, executing and tracking cutover plans
  • Aligning all parties involved around one or more gateway checklists

This topics explains how scenarios can be used for cutover management and alignment.

Within 9TEAMS, a scenario is the most complex and advanced document category available. Instead of topics, a scenario has multiple steps. A step has an owner and status (OPEN – DONE – FAIL).


The purpose of a scenario in 9TEAMS is much more than just having a registration or record of the scenario. A 9TEAMS scenario allows to handle the complete cutover scenario and the exchange of information, in the most efficient and compliant way.

Document (incl. embedded screenshots) the various steps to be executed in further detail. If already known, you can assign an owner to every step. Supporting documents can be added.

By adding tasks to a step, you can orchestrate and track the work to be done, no matter who’s involved.

Click here for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use scenarios for cutover orchestration in 9TEAMS.



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